Life Happens Around The Table Acacia Lazy Susan

Life Happens Around The Table Acacia Lazy Susan

from $60.00

Solid acacia lazy susan featuring the quote “Life happens around the table” with leaf details engraved on the top. Complete with a full rotation base and finished with a coat of food-safe oil. The lazy susan measures at a diameter of 13”, 15", or 18” and stands at 1 1/2" off the tabletop.

Size: 13” diameter, 15” diameter, or 18” diameter

Customization: To add customization to the bottom of the design follow these steps:

  1. Select “Add Customization” in the “Custom Option” drop down menu.

  2. Once you select “Add To Cart” a pop-up will allow you to type your customization. The customization can be a max of 50 characters. Your lazy susan will be engraved EXACTLY as you have it typed.

Custom Option:
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